The automotive industry is recognised as one of the most demanding in terms of service and product quality.
Working with component manufacturers, Firsteel has supplied major car manufacturers across Europe for many years with adhesive coated mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium substrates. Key automotive applications include weather strips for lining of doors, sunroofs, bonnets and boots, body side mouldings and brake shims.
The products can be formed, lanced or stamped before synthetic rubber or plastic is extruded onto the surface of the metal. Final forming of the product produces the finished component. The integrity of the bond is critical, and products are developed and tested in our laboratories to ensure consistency of performance. Assuming material supplied by Firsteel is reactivated correctly, when tested to failure the overall system will fail within the bonded material and not within the adhesive.
Automotive products are supplied without hexavalent chromium, in full compliance with European directive 2000/53/EC.
Also available are decorative effects for internal trims and reflective, heat resistant products for automotive lighting