At Firsteel, we are committed to making the products society needs and to making them in the safest and most responsible way possible.
At Firsteel we know that understanding and reducing the environmental impact of our activities is important for our planet and makes good business sense. Combining with our philosophy of kaizen, or continuous improvement, we are focused on reducing the environmental impact of our activities. Be this through increasing our on-site recycling and therefore reducing our waste to land- fill, or reducing our total energy usage, we are striving to continuously meet and surpass the requirements of ISO14001. We work closely with our suppliers and customers in the supply chain to seek to reduce the environmental impact of the total supply chain.
At Firsteel we are committed to more efficient use of energy and materials through continuous improvement and monitoring: We ensure that the environmental impact of our actions are considered fully in advance and that pollution is avoided within the law using best available techniques not entailing excessive or uneconomic costs We ensure that all processes and materials used are safe both in use and in their subsequent disposal and that control of substances hazardous to health regulations (COSHH) are strictly adhered to. We ensure that we use resources wisely, involving the least possible energy consumption, and increase the re-use of material.